Black and white photograph of workers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary, the hospital’s fundraising, service and public relations organization, 1955.

Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary workers

Workers from the Mount Sinai Hospital Auxiliary, the hospital’s fundraising, service and public relations organization, 1955.

Black and white photograph of the interior lobby of Mount Sinai Hospital, 1955.

Mount Sinai Hospital Lobby

Interior lobby of Mount Sinai Hospital, 1955.

Black and white photograph of the first Mount Zion building c.1881.

Mount Zion building c.1881

Mount Zion building c.1881.

Color photograph of the exterior of Mount Zion Temple c. 2012.

Mount Zion Temple

Mount Zion Temple c. 2012.

Black and white photograph of the exterior of Mount Zion Temple c. 2012.

Mount Zion Temple c.2012

The exterior of Mount Zion Temple c.2012.

View of old "mountain" island, Mountain Lake

Mountain County Park

Mountain County Park in Cottonwood County, July 2, 2014. Photograph by Wikimedia Comons user McGhiever. CC BY-SA 3.0.

Black and white photograph of two individuals tying up ears of corn on a rack for drying, c.1910

Mounting Ears of Corn for Drying

Two individuals tying up ears of corn on a rack for drying, c.1910.

Reid Ray Film Industries films a scene for the movie <em> Cash on the Barrelhead</em> inside Mickey's Diner. Actor William Bendix is at center.

Movie scene filmed inside Mickey's Diner

Reid Ray Film Industries films a scene for the movie Cash on the Barrelhead inside Mickey's Diner circa 1960. Actor William Bendix is at center.

Moving Endion Depot, 1986

Moving Endion Depot, 1986

The old Endion Depot slowly moves west down London Road on June 25, 1986, en route from its original site at the foot of 15th Avenue East to Canal Park.


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