Woman-suffrage banner, ca. 1918.

Woman-suffrage banner

Woman-suffrage banner, ca. 1918.

Woman-suffrage banner used by the St. Paul Political Equality Club, 1920–1936.

Woman-suffrage banner

Woman-suffrage banner used by the St. Paul Political Equality Club, 1920–1936.

Woman-suffrage meeting at Rice Park, St. Paul, 1914.

Woman-suffrage meeting at Rice Park

Woman-suffrage meeting at Rice Park, St. Paul, 1914.

Woman’s straw hat

Woman’s straw hat

Woman’s close-fitting straw hat, 1888. Accession 7196.2, 3D Objects Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

Women and child feeding chickens

Women and child feeding chickens

Women and child feeding chickens, c.1905. Photograph by Emil King. Minnesota farm families worked together to survive on the land. They also worked with hired hands, community members, animals, and machines.

Women and children among corn shocks, McLeod County, ca. 1900.

Women and children among corn shocks in McLeod County

Women and children among corn shocks, McLeod County, ca. 1900.

Photograph of a row of women at knitting machines at the Munsingwear factory

Women at knitting machines, Munsingwear Corporation, Minneapolis

Women at knitting machines, Munsingwear Corporation, Minneapolis, 1920. Photograph by C. J. Hibbard.

Women at the March for Oromia in St. Paul, 2007

Women at the March for Oromia in St. Paul, 2007

Oromo women participate in the March for Oromia at the Minnesota state capitol in St. Paul on July 26, 2007. Photo by Oromia Entertainment, CC BY-SA 2.0.

Women at work at Griggs, Cooper & Company

Women at work at Griggs, Cooper & Company

Employees of the food wholesaler Griggs, Cooper & Company (probably its candy division) in Lowertown St. Paul, ca. 1910s. From the collection of Harold Rutstein; used with permission.

Women at work in a Minneapolis macaroni factory

Women at work in a Minneapolis macaroni factory

Women at work in a Minneapolis macaroni factory, 1892.


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