Color photograph of Shir Tikvah Synagogue.

Shir Tikvah Synagogue

The front façade of Shir Tikvah Synagogue on the former site of the First Universalist Church of Minneapolis.

Shoes worn by Gratia Alta Countryman

Shoes worn by Gratia Alta Countryman

Women's black lace-up shoes worn by Gratia Alta Countryman of Minneapolis, ca. 1889.

Shofar used at Mount Zion Hebrew Association

Shofar used at Mount Zion Hebrew Association

Shofar (ceremonial ram's horn) used at Mount Zion Hebrew Association by hazzan Lion Kalmon. Shofars are used during the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Black and white photograph of Sholom Home groundbreaking ceremony

Sholom Home groundbreaking ceremony

Ada Rubenstein (right), president of the Sholom Home board of directors, and a Sholom Home resident break ground for a new building during the late 1970s. Reproduced in And Prairie Dogs Weren’t Kosher? by Linda Mack Schloff (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1996), page 196. Use permission granted by Ann Regan.

Shoot the Chutes, Wonderland Park, East Lake Street, Minneapolis

Shoot the Chutes, Wonderland Park, East Lake Street, Minneapolis

The Shoot the Chutes from another angle, c.1905.

Black and white photograph of shops and roundhouse of the First Division, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, a predecessor of Great Northern, St. Paul, 1875.

Shops and roundhouse of the St. Paul and Pacific Railroad

Shops and roundhouse of the First Division, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, a predecessor of Great Northern, St. Paul, 1875.

Shoreline of Lake Pepin at Frontenac

Shoreline of Lake Pepin at Frontenac

Shoreline of Lake Pepin at Frontenac, ca. 1920.

Sibley Historic Site

Sibley Historic Site

Sibley Historic Site (1357 Sibley Memorial Highway, Mendota), ca, 2010s.

Color image of Sibley House Historic Site, 2014.

Sibley House Historic Site, Mendota

Sibley House Historic Site, 2014.

Sibrinky dancers of the St. Paul Sokol Society

Sibrinky dancers of the St. Paul Sokol Society

Sibrinky dancers of the St. Paul Sokol Society, c.1941.


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