Dancers perform outside of CLUES (Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio, 797 East Seventh Street, St. Paul) on September 18, 2021, during Fiesta Latina 2021. Photograph by Kevin Gardea. Used with the permission of CLUES.
Dancers perform at Gala Latina 2017, an event organized by CLUES (Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio) and held in St. Paul on October 9. Photograph by Flickr user CLUES Photos, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
Marinera dance performance by Mi Perú-Minnesota at Casa de Corazón’s fundraiser event at Louisiana Oaks in St. Louis Park, ca. 2018 or 2019. Photo used with the permission of Mi Perú-Minnesota.
Valicha dancers show reverence to the Inca emperor as he enters onto the stage. From a performance by Mi Perú-Minnesota at the International School of Minnesota's annual International Day, held in Eden Prairie. Photo by Stan Waldhauser, 2024. Used with the permission of Stan Waldhauser.