Postcard with image of Colonial Hall, residence of Drs. Alanson and Flora Aldrich. Photographer and date unknown; possibly taken shortly after the home was built in 1904. Used with the permission of the Anoka County Historical Society.

Colonial Hall Postcard

Postcard with image of Colonial Hall, residence of Drs. Alanson and Flora Aldrich. Photographer and date unknown; possibly taken shortly after the home was built in 1904. Used with the permission of the Anoka County Historical Society.

Colonial Hotel being moved to new site, Hibbing

Colonial Hotel being moved to new site, Hibbing

One of the largest moves, the Colonial Hotel, 1920. Note the steam crawler directly in front of the hotel.

Color bearers of the 151st Field Artillery on parade

Color bearers of the 151st Field Artillery on parade

Color bearers of the 151st Field Artillery on parade
Description: Color bearers lead the 151st Field Artillery on parade at a pagent on the state fairgrounds, 1921.

Color guard ceremony at Lake Harriet bandshell

Color guard ceremony at Lake Harriet bandshell

The color guard ceremony, 9-11 Tribute Concert at the Lake Harriet bandshell, September 11, 2016. Photo by Linda A. Cameron; used with permission.

Color postcard showing an aerial view of Granite Falls, c.1965.

Color postcard of Granite Falls

Color postcard showing an aerial view of Granite Falls, c.1965. Granite Falls was the site of a National Farmers Organization-organized “winter buying” day attended by over two thousand people in 1964.

Color version of the Minnesota state seal, 1983

Color version of the Minnesota state seal, 1983

Color version of the Minnesota state seal, 1983. Public domain.

Color version of the Minnesota state seal, 2018

Color version of the Minnesota state seal, 2018

Four-color version of the Great Seal of Minnesota, 2018. From the Minnesota State Brand Style Guide, 2018.

Color-bearer holding tattered First Minnesota flag after Gettysburg

Color-bearer holding tattered First Minnesota flag after Gettysburg

Color sergeant William N. Irvine holding the tattered remains of the First Minnesota flag shortly after the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.

Colorful celebration

Colorful celebration

Peruvian Independence Day Potluck at Minnehaha Falls Park in Minneapolis, 2017. Mi Perú-Minnesota performs Carnaval Arequipeño, a youthful and joyful dance usually performed at festivals and parades in Arequipa, Peru. Photo used with the permission of Mi Perú-Minnesota.

“Grace,” the Minnesota state photograph, taken by Eric Enstrom c.1920 and colorized by Enstrom’s daughter, Rhoda Nyberg.

Colorized "Grace"

“Grace,” the Minnesota state photograph, taken by Eric Enstrom c.1920 and colorized by Enstrom’s daughter, Rhoda Nyberg.


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