Black and white photograph of the West Side Flats and Wabasha Bridge, 1904.

West Side Flats and Wabasha Bridge

West Side Flats and Wabasha Bridge, 1904.

Black and white photograph of the West Side Milling District, Minneapolis, ca. 1920. Photograph by Hibbard Studio.

West Side Milling District, Minneapolis

West Side Milling District, Minneapolis, ca. 1920. Photograph by Hibbard Studio.

Color image of the Westbrook Depot, home of the Westbrook Heritage House Museum, 2017. Photograph by Dave Van Loh.

Westbrook Depot (Westbrook Heritage House Museum)

Westbrook Depot, home of the Westbrook Heritage House Museum, 2017. Photograph by Dave Van Loh.

Black and white photograph of the depot agent, engineer, and telegraph operator working inside the Westbrook Depot, 1916.

Westbrook Depot agent, engineer, and telegraph operator

The depot agent, engineer, and telegraph operator working inside the Westbrook Depot, 1916.

Color image of an exhibit from the Westbrook Heritage House Museum, housed in the old Westbrook Depot.

Westbrook Heritage House Museum exhibit

Exhibit from the Westbrook Heritage House Museum, housed in the old Westbrook Depot.

Westbrook Hospital Auxiliary’s food stand

Westbrook Hospital Auxiliary’s food stand

The Westbrook Auxiliary’s food stand, open during Hospital Days, set up inside the Westbrook Community Center, 1998.

Hospital Days parade

Westbrook Hospital Days parade

Westbrook band marching in the 1981 Hospital Days parade.

Westbrook Hospital Days promotional buttons

Westbrook Hospital Days promotional buttons

Collection of Westbrook Hospital days promotional buttons on display at Westbrook’s Heritage House Museum. Photograph by David Van Loh, 2017.

Westbrook Queen Pageant

Contestants of the Westbrook Queen Pageant held during Westbrook Hospital Days, ca. 1970.

Color image of a corn root worm inside the tassel of a corn plant. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2003.

Western corn rootworm

A corn root worm inside the tassel of a corn plant. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2003.


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