Color image of Rocky Ridge farm in Mansfield, Missouri, 2011.

Rocky Ridge Farm

Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield, Missouri. Photographed on June 24, 2011 by Wikimedia Commons user TimothyMN.

Color image of the rocky shoreline in Lake Vermilion–Soudan Underground Mine State Park. Photograph by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Staff.

Rocky shoreline in Lake Vermilion–Soudan Underground Mine State Park

Rocky shoreline in Lake Vermilion–Soudan Underground Mine State Park. Photograph by Minnesota Department of Natural Resources staff.

Roland and Beth Dille

Roland and Beth Dille

Dr. Roland Dille with his wife, Beth Dille, in 1993. Presidents’ papers, 1888–present, Photograph Collection. Minnesota State University Moorhead Archives. Used with the permission of Minnesota State University Moorhead.

Roland Dille

Roland Dille

Dr. Roland Dille in the 1960s. From "Presidents’ papers, 1888–present," Photograph Collection, Minnesota State University Moorhead University Archives, Moorhead. Used with the permission of Minnesota State University Moorhead.

Roland Dille and students at Weld Hall

Dr. Roland Dille sits with students on the stairs of Weld Hall at Minnesota State University Moorhead in the 1970s. Presidents’ papers, 1888–present, Photograph Collection. Minnesota State University Moorhead Archives, Moorhead. Used with the permission of Minnesota State University Moorhead.

Roland Dille, Roland Barden, and John Neumaier

Roland Dille (left) with Roland Barden (center) and John Neumaier (right), his successor and predecessor, respectively, as president of Minnesota State University Moorhead, 2003. Presidents’ papers, 1888–present, Photograph Collection. Minnesota State University Moorhead Archives, Moorhead. Used with the permission of Minnesota State University Moorhead.

Black and white photograph of Rolette (standing) with business associates Henry Hastings Sibley (right), and possibly Franklin Steele (left), c.1857.

Rolette (standing) with Henry Hastings Sibley (right) and possibly Franklin Steele (left)

Rolette (standing) with business associates Henry Hastings Sibley (right), and possibly Franklin Steele (left), c.1857. Uploaded by Wikimedia Commons user Bobak.

Rolled battle flags

Rolled battle flags

Civil War battle flags and drums in storage inside the Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda, ca. 1960.


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