Red Wing, War Eagle, and an unidentified steamboat at the St. Paul levee

Red Wing, War Eagle, and an unidentified steamboat at the St. Paul levee

Red Wing, War Eagle, and an unidentified steamboat at the St. Paul levee, ca. 1875.

Red Wing’s village

Red Wing’s village

Red Wing's village, seventy miles below the Falls of St. Anthony, ca. 1846–1848. Watercolor by Seth Eastman.

Color image of a Red-headed woodpecker, 2010.

Red-headed woodpecker

Red-headed woodpecker, 2010. Photographed by Faith Balch. Used with the permission of Faith Balch and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Red-headed woodpecker with geolocator backpack in Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve.

Red-headed woodpecker

Red-headed woodpecker with geolocator backpack in Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve. Photograph by Siah St. Clair, April 24, 2017.

Classroom in Redby Elementary School, Red Lake Reservation, ca. 1953. Photograph by Hakkerup Studio.

Redby Elementary School at Red Lake

Classroom in Redby Elementary School, Red Lake Indian Reservation, ca. 1953. Photograph by Hakkerup Studio.

Refreshment stand at Bean Lake Resort, ca. 1930

Refreshment stand at Bean Lake Resort

Refreshment stand at Bean Lake Resort, ca. 1930. Used with the permission of Paula Peterson.

Black and white photograph of refugees and relief workers after the Moose Lake fire, 1918.

Refugees and relief workers after the Moose Lake fire

Refugees and relief workers after the Moose Lake fire, 1918.

Black and white photograph of refugees of the U.S.–Dakota War of 1862 camping on the prairie, 1862.

Refugees of the U.S.–Dakota War of 1862 camping on the prairie

Refugees of the U.S.–Dakota War of 1862 camping on the prairie, 1862.

The refurbished Thomas J. Lee monument in New Albin, Iowa, seen looking northwesterly into Minnesota. The monument, originally erected by Lee and the U.S. Topographic Engineer Corps in 1849, marks the Minnesota–Iowa boundary near Minnesota's southeast corner. Photographed by William Lass on May 23, 1972.

Refurbished Thomas J. Lee monument

The refurbished Thomas J. Lee monument in New Albin, Iowa, seen looking northwesterly into Minnesota. The monument, originally erected by Lee and the U.S. Topographic Engineer Corps in 1849, marks the Minnesota–Iowa boundary near Minnesota's southeast corner. Photographed by William Lass on November 3, 2009.

Registration table at Riverfest 1990

Registration table at Riverfest 1990

Curt Loken (Windom High School class of 1948) visits with volunteers at the Riverfest 1990 registration table.


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