An advertisement in the Crookston Weekly Times for the opening night performance at the Opera House Block on April 13–15, 1891, featuring the Hess Opera Company.

Opening night

An advertisement in the Crookston Weekly Times for the opening night performance at the Opera House Block on April 13–15, 1891, featuring the Hess Opera Company.

Black and white photograph of he opening of the first Minneapolis skyway, connecting the Northstar Center and the Northwestern National Bank; Leslie Park is at left, 1962.

Opening of first skyway (connecting the Northstar Center and Northwestern National Bank); Leslie Park at left, Minneapolis

The opening of the first Minneapolis skyway, connecting the Northstar Center and the Northwestern National Bank; Leslie Park is at left, 1962.

Opening of streetcar line on Grand Avenue, St. Paul

Opening of streetcar line on Grand Avenue, St. Paul

St. Paul’s first electric streetcar line opens on Grand Avenue, February 22, 1890. Photo by Eclipse View Company.

Black and white photograph of a fire truck outside the Opera House Block on South Main Street after the 1987 fire.

Opera House Block fire

A fire truck outside the Opera House Block on South Main Street after the 1987 fire.

Flames from the 1987 Opera House Block fire light up the night and smoke is seen up to ten miles away.

Opera House Block fire at night

Flames from the 1987 Opera House Block fire light up the night and smoke is seen up to ten miles away.

Black and white photograph of firefighters battling the flames in the Opera House Block in 1987.

Opera House Block firefighters

Firefighters battle the flames in the Opera House Block in 1987.

Black and white photograph of the façade of the Opera House Block on South Main Street as it looked in 1910.

Opera House Block, South Main Street, Crookston

The façade of the Opera House Block on South Main Street as it looked in 1910.

Operating room, St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester

Operating room, St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester

An operating room at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, 1893. The Sisters of St. Francis at St. Mary's were known for their excellent nursing care.

Color image of participants in the Operation Free Flu Shot program gather for a group photograph at the Hmong New Year celebration in St. Paul’s RiverCentre on November 24, 2012.

Operation Free Flu Shot program (1 of 2)

Participants in the Operation Free Flu Shot program gather for a group photograph at the Hmong New Year celebration in St. Paul’s RiverCentre on November 24, 2012.

Color image of participants in the Operation Free Flu Shot program gather for a group photograph at Hmong Village in St. Paul on October 27, 2013.

Operation Free Flu Shot program (2 of 2)

Participants in the Operation Free Flu Shot program gather for a group photograph at Hmong Village in St. Paul on October 27, 2013.


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