Burnquist campaign poster, 1918

Burnquist campaign poster, 1918

Joseph A. A. Burnquist gubernatorial campaign poster, 1918.

Burying ninety victims in one trench following the Hinckley fire, September, 1894.

Burying Hinckley fire victims

Burying ninety victims in one trench following the Hinckley fire, September, 1894.

Stereoscopic card of business buildings in Cannon Falls, c. 1880s.

Business buildings in Cannon Falls

Business buildings line this Cannon Falls street in the early 1880s. Such wood frame structures, often clustered together, proved susceptible to fire.

Business district, Hastings

Business district, Hastings

Downtown Hastings as it appeared ca. 1900.

Businesses in the Albert Lea Commercial Historic District

Businesses in the Albert Lea Commercial Historic District

Businesses in the Albert Lea Commercial Historic District at 104 and 106 South Broadway Avenue. Photograph by Carol M. Highsmith, 2019.

Black and white photograph of Businesses near the intersection of East 38th St and 4th Ave, Minneapolis, 1975.

Businesses near the intersection of East 38th St and 4th Ave, Minneapolis

Businesses near the intersection of East 38th St and 4th Ave, Minneapolis, 1975.

Bust of Albert Woolson in Duluth City Hall

Bust of Albert Woolson

Bust of Albert Woolson in Duluth City Hall. It was created by well known sculptor Avard Fairbanks and presented to the city in 1954. The pedestal that the bust rests on was donated by the Duluth Association of Musicians, Local 18, to honor Woolson's birthday on February 11, 1955. Photograph by Linda Cameron, September 20, 2019. Used with the permission of Linda Cameron.

Color image of a bust of Frank Boyd in St. Paul’s Frank Boyd Park, 2016.

Bust of Frank Boyd in St. Paul’s Frank Boyd Park

Bust of Frank Boyd in St. Paul’s Frank Boyd Park, 2016. Photographed by Paul Nelson.

Black and white photograph of the bust of King Gustavus Adolphus, sporting a mortar board cap, [undated]. Photograph by Paul Markland.

Bust of King Gustavus Adolphus

The bust of King Gustavus Adolphus, sporting a mortar board cap, [undated]. Photograph by Paul Markland.

Black and white photograph of a worker packing butter at a creamery in Hawley, c. 1917.

Butter packing at a Hawley creamery

A worker packs butter at a creamery in Hawley, c.1917.


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