A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Newspaper advertisement for Swift & Company, a national meatpacker and margarine producer with operations in St. Paul.
A swim class (ca. 1930).
Swimming Fair Hills Resort, Detroit Lakes, ca. 1930.
The NWSA swimming pool was sixty feet long and twenty-four feet wide, 1932. The water level on the springboard end was nine feet and the shallow end four-and-a-half feet.
State Fair display swine, 1905.
1939 swinging bridge over St. Louis River, Jay Cooke State Park, ca. 1950.
Switchboard at L. S. Donaldson Company, 1951. Photograph by Norton & Peel.
Non-regulation staff and field officer's presentation sword and scabbard. The set was presented to Brigadier General Henry H. Sibley in 1863.
Sy Mergens relaxes in the Fireside Room of the University Club, June 22, 1977. Photographed by Julian G. Plante.
Sybil Carter, c.1890.