Hopperstad Stave Church replica, winter

Hopperstad Stave Church replica, winter

Hopperstad Stave Church replica in Moorhead, winter 2015. Photographed by Neil Jordheim.

Color image of the Hopperstad Stave Church replica’s exterior walkway, called a svalgang in Norwegian, April 2, 2017. Photographed by Kaci Johnson.

Hopperstad Stave Church svalgang

The Hopperstad Stave Church replica’s exterior walkway, called a svalgang in Norwegian, April 2, 2017. Photographed by Kaci Johnson.

Horace H. Irvine

Horace H. Irvine

Horace H. Irvine, ca. 1934. Photo by Benjamin C. Golling.

Black and white photograph of Horace Lowry, Minneapolis, c.1923. Photographed by Lee Brothers.

Horace Lowry

Horace Lowry, Minneapolis, c.1923. Photographed by Lee Brothers.

Black and white photograph of Horace William Shaler Cleveland, date unknown.

Horace William Shaler Cleveland

Horace William Shaler Cleveland, date unknown. Uploaded by Wikimedia Commons user SusanLesch.

Black and white photograph of Horace William Shaler Cleveland, date unknown.

Horace William Shaler Cleveland

Horace William Shaler Cleveland, date unknown. Uploaded by Wikimedia Commons user Minneapolis Park Board publication.

Hormel Boycott T-Shirt

Hormel Boycott T-Shirt

T-shirt worn by Marion Hersey of Minneapolis in support of the Hormel strikes, ca. 1985.

Hormel Historic Home

Hormel Historic Home

The home of George A. and Lilian Hormel in Austin, Minnesota. The house was built in 1871 in the Italianate style, but the Hormels added Classical Revival details during a renovation at the turn of the twentieth century. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever, July 29, 2013. CC BY-SA 3.0

Black and white aerial photograph of the Hormel Packing Company and surrounding area in Austin, Minnesota, 1972.

Hormel Packing Company

Aerial photograph of the Hormel Packing Company and surrounding area in Austin, Minnesota, 1972. Photograph by Vincent H. Mart.

Hormel packing plant

Hormel packing plant

Hormel packing plant, Austin, Minnesota, ca. 1932.


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