Superintendent’s house at Carlos Avery Game Farm

Superintendent’s house at Carlos Avery Game Farm

Superintendent's house, Carlos Avery Game Farm, 1938.

Superior National Forest overlook

Superior National Forest overlook

Bird’s-eye view of the Superior National Forest. Photograph by Flickr user Phil, September 23, 2013. CC BY-SA 2.0

Superior National Forest postcard

Superior National Forest postcard

Superior National Forest postcard, postmarked 1948. Scanned by Flickr user Joe Haupt, March 19, 2019. CC BY-SA 2.0

Superior National Forest shoreline

Superior National Forest shoreline

Superior National Forest shoreline in Cook County. Photograph by Flickr user John W. Iwanski, July 8, 2014. CC BY-SA 2.0

Supporters of striking Hormel workers

Supporters of striking Hormel workers

In an unprecedented show of support, union members across the nation showed up to protest alongside striking Local P-9. Minneapolis Star Tribune negatives collection, box 596 (Hormel strike images).

Black and white photograph of the Supreme Court chamber in the second capitol building, partially dismantled prior to building demolition, 1937. Photographed by the Minneapolis Tribune.

Supreme Court chamber in the second capitol building

Supreme Court chamber in the second capitol building, partially dismantled prior to building demolition, 1937. Photographed by the Minneapolis Tribune.

Color image of a Jaspilite-banded iron formation in the Stuntz Bay Road outcrop, Soudan Underground State Park, Soudan, June 10, 2015. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user James St. John.

Surface outcrop

Jaspilite-banded iron formation in the Stuntz Bay Road outcrop, Soudan Underground State Park, Soudan, June 10, 2015. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user James St. John.

Surgical clamp designed by Owen Wangensteen

Surgical clamp designed by Owen Wangensteen

Surgical clamp designed by Owen Wangensteen, chief of surgery at the University of Minnesota and used by Dr. Palmer Peterson in his Minneapolis medical practice from 1952 until 1998.

Scan of a survey of lower mounds at Dayton's Bluff done in 1866.

Survey of lower mounds at Dayton's Bluff

Mr. Hill's survey of lower mounds at Dayton's Bluff done in 1866. Image is from: Winchell, N.H. The Aborigines of Minnesota. St. Paul: The Pioneer Press Company, 1911, 263.

Scan of Mr. T.H. Lewis' survey of the mounds on Dayton's Bluff in 1882.

Survey of mounds on Dayton's Bluff

Image of Mr. T.H. Lewis' survey of the mounds on Dayton's Bluff in 1882. Image is from: Winchell, N.H. The Aborigines of Minnesota. St. Paul: The Pioneer Press Company, 1911, 262.


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