A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Cover of the advertising brochure for the Sellner Swooper amusement park ride, 1929. Sellner Collection, Rice County Historical Society, Faribault. Used with the permission of Rice County Historical Society.
Selvig Park, Harmony, Minnesota, ca. 1950.
Selvig Park, Harmony, Minnesota. Prairie Daisy Photography, fall 2016.
Selvig Park, Harmony, Minnesota, spring 2016. Photograph by Becky Hoff.
Photo of Selvig Park, Harmony, Minnesota, 2018. Photograph by Amy Jo Hahn.
Selwyn Chief iron made by the Selwyn Engineering Company of St. Paul, ca. 1930s.
Lithograph of Henry M. Rice, ca. 1860. From The History of Minnesota (fourth edition), by Edward Duffield Neill (Minnesota Historical Co., 1883).
Senate Chamber, second state capitol, St. Paul, ca. 1900. Photographed by Charles P. Gibson.