A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Sacred Heart Cathedral School, 1985. Designed by I. Vernon Hill and William T. Bray, 1904. Photograph by Larry Sommer.
Catherine Pfaender, ca. 1870.
Catheryne Gilman, 1945.
Cathy Haukedahl, Executive Director of Minnesota Legal Aid.
Cattle barn on the Matt and Kaisa Hill historic farmstead, Pike Township, St. Louis County (09715#23A). Photograph by Michael Koop, April 1988.
Section of original catwalk, Savanna Portage, ca. 1980. Photograph by Alan Ominsky.
Panorama image of the Civilian Conservation Corps headquarters, Company 712, Gunflint Camp F-5, in Grand Marais, Minnesota. Photograph by George O. Mehl, April 15, 1934.
CCC Oath, from The CCC at work. A story of 2,500,000 young men, 1941.
Civilian Conservation Corps-Indian Division (CCC-ID) camp recreation hall, Grand Portage. Photograph by Ralph D. Brown, 1937.
CCC-ID workers building a mobile camp at the Red Lake Agency, 1939.