Black and white photograph of people and ruins after the fire, 1918.

People and ruins after the fire

People and ruins after the fire, 1918.

People escaping from the US–Dakota War of 1862

People escaping from the US–Dakota War of 1862

People escaping from the US–Dakota War of 1862. Photograph by Adrian John Ebell, August 21, 1862.

Black and white photograph of people on Main Street, Fulda. Photograph by Dr. Emil King, ca. 1905.

People on Main Street, Fulda

People on Main Street, Fulda, ca. 1905. Photograph by Dr. Emil King.

Black and white photograph of people playing table tennis and billiards at the Phyllis Wheatley House, ca. 1940.

People playing table tennis and billiards at the Phyllis Wheatley House

People playing table tennis and billiards at the Phyllis Wheatley House, ca. 1940.

People standing beside stone used for the Capitol

People standing beside stone used for the Capitol

People standing beside a large stone to be used in the construction of the State Capitol, c.1900. Photographer: Cass Gilbert.

People wading at Frontenac Beach

People wading at Frontenac Beach

People wading at Frontenac Beach, ca. 1900.

People waiting to enter the House of Charity

People waiting to enter the House of Charity

People without housing wait outside to enter the House of Charity at 714 Park Avenue in Minneapolis. Photo by Jean Pieri, 1981.

Black and white photograph of people with bumper stickers advocate the repeal of the 18th Amendment (Prohibition), 1932.

People with bumper stickers advocating the repeal of the 18th Amendment (Prohibition)

People with bumper stickers advocate the repeal of the 18th Amendment (Prohibition), 1932.

People without housing in St. Stephen’s Church

People without housing in St. Stephen’s Church

People without housing in St. Stephen’s Church, Minneapolis. Photo by Minneapolis Tribune photographer Mike Zerby taken on July 2, 1982. From box 485 of the Minneapolis and St. Paul newspaper negatives collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul. Original caption: “Men, women and children share sleeping quarters at St. Stephen’s; curtains separate the men’s and women’s sections.” Published with “Church Gathers in the Poor, But Its Neighbors Worry,” Peg Meier, Minneapolis Tribune, July 10, 1982, 1B.

People's Lobby members in the senate chamber

People's Lobby members in the senate chamber

People's Lobby members in chamber of the Minnesota state senate, April 5, 1937.


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