Packing floor of Pillsbury-Washburn Company

Packing floor of Pillsbury-Washburn Company

The flour-packing floor of Pillsbury-Washburn Company in Minneapolis, ca. 1890.

Black and white photograph of Dr. Padmakar K. Dixit, his wife, and their two daughters in Minnesota, 1962.

Padmakar K. Dixit and family

Dr. Padmakar K. Dixit, his wife, and their two daughters in Minnesota, 1962.

Page from promotional booklet, A Mother's Manual

Page from promotional booklet, A Mother's Manual

Page from promotional booklet, A Mother's Manual, 1928, from Ralston Purina.

Page from promotional booklet, A Mother's Manual

Page from promotional booklet, A Mother's Manual

Page from promotional booklet, A Mother's Manual, 1928, from Ralston Purina.

Page from the 1906 Lippincott Seeds catalog featuring Lippincott’s home

Page from the 1906 Lippincott Seeds catalog featuring Lippincott’s home

Carrie H. Lippincott’s home (602–604 Tenth Street S., Minneapolis), ca. 1906. Lippincott is shown in the inset at the upper right. The image was printed in the 1906 Lippincott Seeds catalog and in periodicals like the Citizen and Farmer. Miss C.H. Lippincott seed company scrapbook, ca. 1893–ca. 1922, Sound and Visual Collection, Minnesota Historical Society.

Photograph of Judge Page Morris

Page Morris

Page Morris, the federal judge who sentenced Martinson. Photograph by Lee Brothers, 1921.

Painted portrait of Henry Sibley, c.1860.

Painting "Henry H. Sibley"

Portrait of Henry Sibley, c.1860.

Painting Buddhas inside Watt Munisotaram

Painting Buddhas inside Watt Munisotaram

A monk and a volunteer paint Buddha statues inside Watt Munisotaram. Photo by Will Yetvin, April 8, 2016.

Painting by Herbjorn Gausta of a natural spring

Painting by Herbjorn Gausta of a natural spring

Painting by Herbjorn Gausta of a natural spring on a farm in Harmony, Minnesota. Date unknown.

Painting celebrating the life of Ruth Tanbara

Painting celebrating the life of Ruth Tanbara

Acrylic-on-canvas triptych painting ("Ruth Nomura Tanbara: A Life of Public Service") by HIRO, 2005.


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