A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Official portrait of Senator Shipstead, ca. 1925.
Ogden Gunderson reading The Farmer, c.1922.
Oil on canvas painting of John S. Bradstreet. Painting by Edwin Hawley Hewitt, 1913.
Oil painting of round tower by moonlight, c.1888.
Red wool sash appliqued with flower pattern; reportedly owned by Bagone-giizhig (Hole-in-the-Day the Younger).
Ojibwe at Grand Portage Reservation, 1885.
Black-and-white photograph of an Ojibwe birch bark canoe and two paddlers, c.1910.
Ojibwe birchbark winnowing basket, created not later than 1930. Used at Grand Portage Indian Reservation.
Ojibwe boys at Mille Lacs Indian Reservation, ca. 1930.