Black and white photograph of a horsecar in front of Central High School, Minneapolis, 1878.

Horsecar in front of Central High School, Minneapolis

Horsecar in front of Central High School, Minneapolis, 1878.

Black and white photograph of a horsecar in Minneapolis on Plymouth and Bloomington Avenue line, c.1888.

Horsecar in Minneapolis on Plymouth and Bloomington Avenue line

Horsecar in Minneapolis on Plymouth and Bloomington Avenue line, c.1888.

Black and white photograph of teams of horses with equipment and drivers in front of a barn, 1910.

Horses and wagons in front of a barn

Teams of horses with equipment and drivers in front of a barn, 1910.

Horses pulling a car out of mud on a dirt road

Horses pulling a car out of mud on a dirt road

Horses pulling a car out of mud on a dirt road. Photograph by Kenneth Melvin Wright, ca. 1927. Minnesotans advocated for better roads in the 1920s and beyond.

Photograph of Hosey Lyght, 1930

Hosey Lyght

Hosey Lyght, 1930. From the John Lyght photograph collection.

Hospital Days activities schedule

Hospital Days activities schedule

A program listing the activities scheduled for Hospital Days, 1992. From the Sentinel Tribune (Westbrook).

Photograph of Hospital Days lunch in the Westbrook Fire Hall

Hospital Days lunch in the Westbrook Fire Hall

Lunch at the Westbrook Fire Hall during Hospital Days. Printed in the Westbrook Sentinel Tribune, 1986. The town’s fire hall was a popular destination for delicious food during Hospital Days.

Hot pond and log storage for the new mill of the Northern Lumber Company

Hot pond and log storage, Northern Lumber Company

Hot pond and log storage for the new mill of Northern Lumber Company (Cloquet Lumber Company), c.1930.

Lake view of the Hotel Buena Vista in Mound, 1905.

Hotel Buena Vista, Lake Minnetonka, Mound

Lake view of the Hotel Buena Vista in Mound, 1905.

Color photograph of the Hotel Del Otero, c.1906

Hotel Del Otero, Lake Minnetonka

Color photograph of the Hotel Del Otero, c.1906


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