A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Portrait of Frances Densmore, 1928.
Frances Densmore with American Indians outside of a tipi, 1900.
Portrait of Frances Densmore, 1949.
Frances Densmore researched and recorded the music of American Indians from the 1890s through the 1950s, preserving important cultural traditions that might otherwise have been lost.
Frances Densmore being presented with a citation from Harold Dean Carter, director of the Minnesota Historical Society 1954.
Frances Densmore with Mountain Chief (Dakota), 1914. He is interpreting a recording for her with sign language.
Frances Densmore with Captain Herman and Mrs. Finger, Margaret Densmore and Philomen Cariboo at mouth of Pigeon River, c. 1905.
Portrait of Frances Densmore at age 18, 1885.
Frances E. Andrews, ca. 1907. From the Ernest Oberholtzer papers, Manuscript Collection, Minnesota Historical Society.
Frances E. Andrews (far right), ca. mid-1950s.