Klingensmith’s Bee Gee Model Y Senior Sportster prior to the National Air Races in Chicago and her crash during the Phillip Tracy Trophy Race, 1933. The plane’s identification number, NR718Z, marks it as Klingensmith’s.
Promotional pamphlet featuring photographs of Florence Macbeth and excerpts from positive reviews of her singing performances. Image reproduced with permission by Heritage Protocol & University Archives, Florida State University Libraries.
National Woman's Party of Minnesota member Florence Youmans, left, is arrested in Washington, DC, for refusing to give up her suffrage banner, 1917. Records of the National Woman’s Party, Library of Congress.
Flour sack from George W. Florida’s Rockford Roller Mills on display in the Ames-Florida-Stork House. Made ca. 1895; photographed in 2014. Used with the permission of the Rockford Area Historical Society.