A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Postcard depicting the exterior of the University Club in St. Paul, c.1920.
Paper postcard (made c.1905) depicting the University of Minnesota Armory, where the concluding gala of the National Afro-American League's 1902 meeting was held. This building still stands.
University of Minnesota campus during the Halloween Blizzard, 1991. Photograph by Mike Zerby, RPA, Minneapolis Star Tribune.
University of Minnesota Homecoming display with Ku Klux Klan banner, ca. 1923.
University of Minnesota Law School graduates, 1894. Wheaton is barely visible in the back row, behind the first-row man wearing light-colored pants.
University of Minnesota student protest against United States invasion of Cambodia, May 1972. Photograph by Minneapolis Star and Tribune Company.
University of Minnesota student protest against the United States' invasion of Cambodia.
University of Minnesota student protest against the United States' invasion of Cambodia, May 1972.
University of Minnesota's women's suffrage club, 1913.