Strauss Skate Shop, St. Paul

Strauss Skate Shop, St. Paul

Strauss Skate Shop, St. Paul, 1939.

Straws driven into wood, Rochester cyclone.

Straws driven into wood, Rochester cyclone.

Straws driven into wood, Rochester cyclone. Photo by J. C. Cook, August 21, 1883.

: A stream in Whitewater State Park, ca. 1917. Original caption: “Riffles above Sand Rock.” From The Paradise of Minnesota: The Proposed Whitewater State Park (L. A. Warming, 1917).

Stream in Whitewater State Park

: A stream in Whitewater State Park, ca. 1917. Original caption: “Riffles above Sand Rock.” From The Paradise of Minnesota: The Proposed Whitewater State Park(L. A. Warming, comp., 1917). Available at the Minnesota Historical Society library as F612.W742 W37 1917.

Black and white photograph of a crowd of striking workers assembled during the Street Railway Company strike in St. Paul, 1917.

Street Railway Company strike

A crowd of striking workers assembled during the Street Railway Company strike in St. Paul, 1917.

Black and white photograph of the Street Railway Company strike, 1917.

Street Railway Company strike

Street Railway Company strike, 1917.

Black and white photograph of Street Railway union supporters gathering in Rice Park in St. Paul on December 2, 1917 for a meeting.

Street Railway union supporters gather in Rice Park

Street Railway union supporters gather in Rice Park in St. Paul on December 2, 1917 for a meeting.

Street scene, 1904

Street scene

Frank Wostrel's hardware store, left side of the image, where the first floor exploded during the cyclone, dropping the second level to the ground, 1904. Part of the first floor walls can be seen just to the left of the building.

Street view after cyclone, Rochester.

Street view after cyclone, Rochester.

Street view after cyclone, Rochester.

Black and white photograph of street view after fire, Moose Lake, 1918.

Street view after fire, Moose Lake

Street view after fire, Moose Lake, 1918.

Street view of WARM Gallery

Street view of WARM Gallery

Mailer used by the Women’s Art Registry of Minnesota (WARM) showing a street view of WARM Gallery at 414 First Avenue North, Minneapolis, undated. From box 5 (152.F.1.1B) of the Women’s Art Registry of Minnesota (WARM) organizational records. Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.


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