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Red Cross Auxiliary providing transportation to soldiers, c.1918.
Red Cross Motor Corps truck, St. Paul, 1918.
A Red Cross nurse, and likely Motor Corps officer, 1918. The car has the Red Cross symbol on the hood and was likely part of the Minnesota Motor Corps.
Members of the Red Cross Volunteer Motor Service, 1918.
Red Cross worker Julia Gray, ca. 1919.
Group photograph taken outside a Red Cross hut by Red Cross worker Julia Gray, 1919.
Red Cross workers making bandages, c.1916.
Evelyn Lightner (at left) and Red Cross workers distributing food, c.1918.
Red Cross workers serving meals to National Guard and survivors, Moose Lake forest fire, 1918.
Red Lake County Courthouse, ca. 1910. Used with the permission of the Red Lake County Historical Society.