A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
Elder Heinrich Voth (right) and his wife, Sara Voth (left), ca. 1910.
Heinrich Enns and Maria Ewert Enns’ wedding photograph, 1896.
Helen E. (Davis) McMillan of Austin, ca. 1972.
Helen E. (Davis) McMillan of Austin, ca.1972.
Helen E. (Davis) McMillan of Austin receiving a plaque from Martin Sabo at her recognition banquet in Austin, March 18, 1975.
Helicopter removing the Weatherball from the roof of the Northwestern National Bank prior to demolition of the fire-damaged building, 1983.
Patients at the Children’s Preventorium of Ramsey County play checkers while receiving “heliotherapy” under a sun lamp, ca. 1930.
Helmet worn by Minnesota Vikings safety Paul Krause in the late 1970s.
Helvetia General Store, operated by Reinhold Zeglin. Photo shows Zeglin family and various community members, c.1878.