Black and white photograph of the Grand Theater, 1913.

Grand Theater, 1913

The Grand Theater, 1913.

Grand View Lodge near Brainerd

Grand View Lodge near Brainerd

The Grand View Lodge near Brainerd, ca. 1925.

Black and white photograph of the grandstand at the Murray County Fair in Slayton, 1925.

Grandstand at the Murray County Fair in Slayton

Grandstand at the Murray County Fair in Slayton, 1925. From the archives of the University of Minnesota Extension, Murray County.

Black and white photograph of a Grange Hall, in Bloomington, c.1890.

Grange Hall, Bloomington

Grange Hall, Bloomington, c.1890.

Black and white photograph of a Grange Hall in Pleasant Grove, 1873.

Grange Hall, Pleasant Grove

Grange Hall in Pleasant Grove, 1873.

Grangers versus Grasshoppers

Grangers versus Grasshoppers

"Grangers versus Grasshoppers, or the irrepressible conflict," carte-de-visite, c.1880.

Grant County farmers among the marchers to the State Capitol

Grant County farmers among the marchers to the State Capitol

Grant County farmers among the marchers to the State Capitol, 1935. Photographer: George E. Luxton. Minnesota farm families practiced active citizenship and made demands on the government to honor their labor and protect their farms.

Grant County farmers among the marchers to the State Capitol.

Grant County Farmer's Holiday Association among the marchers to the State Capitol, 1935. Photograph by George E. Luxton.

Black and white photograph of Grant Dunne, Minneapolis labor leader, ca. 1930s.

Grant Dunne

Grant Dunne, Minneapolis labor leader, ca. 1930s.

Graphite Drawing of Fort Ripley, 1863. Drawing by Jonathan Burnett Salisbury.

Graphite drawing of Fort Ripley

Graphite Drawing of Fort Ripley, 1863. Drawing by Jonathan Burnett Salisbury.


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