Yanat Chhith

Yanat Chhith

Yanat Chhith, the vice president of Watt Munisotaram, outside the temple on July 9, 2017.

Yang family in Ban Vinai refugee camp, Thailand.

Yang family before coming to the United States from Thailand

The Yang family in Ban Vinai refugee camp, Thailand, ca. 1978.

Yee Sing Woo standing in front of Yee Sing Laundry, 1319 Nicollet, Minneapolis

Yee Sing Woo standing in front of Yee Sing Laundry, 1319 Nicollet, Minneapolis

Yee Sing Woo, husband of Liang May Seen, standing in front of Yee Sing Laundry, 1319 Nicollet, Minneapolis, c.1895.

Yellow Fever (1994)

Production photo from Yellow Fever, performed by Theater Mu during its 1993–1994 season. Yellow Fever was written by R. A. Shiomi, directed by Marc Hayashi, and staged at the Southern Theater. Pictured are (left to right): Joe Germano and Paul Juhn. Photograph by Charissa Uemura.

Black and white photograph of a ellowstone locomotive pulling a string of jennies near Duluth, 1940.

Yellowstone locomotive pulling a string of jennies

A Yellowstone locomotive pulls a string of jennies near Duluth, 1940.

YMCA illustration from the Daily Journal (St. Cloud), October 12, 1918.

YMCA illustration

An illustration in the St. Cloud Daily Journal Press demonstrates the need for welfare services. The illustration shows a mother waiting anxiously at home while her son serves on the Western Front. They are linked by the YMCA. The St. Cloud Daily Journal Press, 27, No. 96, October 12, 1918.

Color image of YMCA paper fan, 1918.

YMCA paper fan

YMCA paper fan, 1918.

Black and white photograph of YMCA worker Julia Swenson holding a grenade, ca. 1919. Photographer unknown.

YMCA worker Julia Swenson

YMCA worker Julia Swenson holding a grenade, ca. 1919. Photographer unknown.

Black and white photograph of Yom Kippur service at Sons of Jacob.

Yom Kippur service at Sons of Jacob

Yom Kippur service at Sons of Jacob.

Young Brothers Barber Shop and Satin Doll Beauty Salon, 1918 Plymouth Avenue North, Minneapolis, ca. 1970s. The Young brothers owned multiple barber shops on Plymouth Avenue North.

Young Brothers Barber Shop and Satin Doll Beauty Salon

Young Brothers Barber Shop and Satin Doll Beauty Salon, 1918 Plymouth Avenue North, Minneapolis, ca. 1970s. The Young brothers owned multiple barber shops on Plymouth Avenue North.


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