Up and Out of Poverty Now! organizers

Up and Out of Poverty Now! organizers look on as police engage with their comrades at the occupied Kate Dunwoody Residence (52 Tenth Street South) in Minneapolis, 1991. Photograph by Jeff Wheeler. Original caption: "Nyla Columbus, center, Grummons' fiance, was concerned for his well-being after police entered the building. Columbus was being comforted by her daughter, Tina, right, and another protester. The activists oppose plans to use the former residence for classrooms and offices." Published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, July 27, 1990, with "They Seek Dignity for the Homeless," 1B. "Grummons" is Up And Out organizer Matt Grummons.

Up and Out of Poverty Now! organizers at "Hotel Victory"

Up and Out of Poverty Now! organizers at "Hotel Victory"

Up and Out of Poverty Now! organizers Duane Thornton and Wes Burchard move belongings out of "Hotel Victory" (inside present-day Mill City Museum) before transporting them to a duplex home at 2527 Columbus Avenue South, in Minneapolis. Photograph by Regene Radniecki. Published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on May 23, 1990, with "Homeless Protesters Get Duplex in Deal," 3B.

Up and Out of Poverty Now! organizers in an occupied building

Organizers with Up and Out of Poverty Now! (including Rich Gordon, left) inside an occupied building (1016–18 Iglehart Avenue) in St. Paul, 1991. Photograph by Stormi Greener. Published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, January 6, 1991, with "Activists Occupy St. Paul's HUD buildings," 1A and 10A.

Color image of the Blue Mounds State Park, Upper Dam, ca. 1990s.

Upper Dam, Blue Mounds State Park

Blue Mounds State Park, Upper Dam, ca. 1990s.

Upper sanctuary

Upper sanctuary

The interior of the upper sanctuary in Watt Munisotaram’s main building. Photograph by Will Yetvin, April 10, 2016.

Upper Sault access sign

Upper Sault access sign

Upper Sault access sign at a boat launch on the Rainy River in Franz Jevne State Park. Photo by Wikimedia user Tony Webster, October 6, 2017. CC BY-SA 2.0

Uprising at St. Peter State Hospital, 1969

Twin News reporter Richard Albers visits St. Peter State Hospital after a patient uprising. The clip includes an interview with Dr. Carl Schwarz, the hospital's medical director. Filmed on September 9, 1969.

Upstream view of Gull Lake Dam

Upstream view of Gull Lake Dam

Upstream view of Gull Lake Dam, 1968.

US Army canteen

US Army canteen

Canteen used by Private Daniel H. Hunt, Company A, Third Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment.

US Army colonel's uniform frock coat

US Army colonel's uniform frock coat

Frock coat worn by Col. Christopher C. Andrews of the Third Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment.


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