Sean Kershaw

Sean Kershaw

Sean Kershaw is the current Citizens League executive director and has held the office since 2003

A search party finds the remains of an entire family in the ruins of the Hinckley fire, 1894.

Search party finding human remains

A search party finds the remains of an entire family in the ruins of the Hinckley fire, 1894.

Front and back cover spread for a minstrel show featuring a Gold Medal Flour advertisement. This show was held at West High School auditorium in Minneapolis in an effort to raise money for the Fatherless Children of France. From the Minnesota Historical Society pamphlet collection, St. Paul.

Second Annual Minstrel Show (1920)

Front and back cover spread for a minstrel show featuring a Gold Medal Flour advertisement. This show was held at West High School auditorium in Minneapolis in an effort to raise money for the Fatherless Children of France. From the Minnesota Historical Society pamphlet collection, St. Paul.

Second floor interior, Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, ca. 1930

Second floor interior, Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, ca. 1930

Second floor interior, Northwestern National Bank, Minneapolis, ca. 1930.

Color image of the second floor landing of the James J. Hill House, 2008

Second floor landing of the James J. Hill House

Second floor landing of the James J. Hill House, 2008. The image was originally retrieved from As of March 3, 2019, the page is no longer maintained.

photograph featuring class pictures of the students and teacher of St. Peter Claver's second grade class

Second grade class, St. Peter Claver, St. Paul

Second grade class, St. Peter Claver, St. Paul, 1959–1960.

Black and white photograph of Second Lieutenant Charles Augustus Lindbergh in his U.S. Air Force uniform, March 14, 1925.

Second Lieutenant Charles Augustus Lindbergh

Second Lieutenant Charles Augustus Lindbergh in his U.S. Air Force uniform, March 14, 1925.

Second Mayo Clinic Office, Rochester

Second Mayo Clinic Office, Rochester

Second Mayo Clinic office, Rochester, 1911.

Second Minnesota Regiment at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863

Second Minnesota Regiment at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863

Douglas Volk's painting, in the Governor's Reception Room at the Minnesota State Capitol in St. Paul, depicts Lt. Col. Judson W. Bishop leading his Second Minnesota Regiment in their famous assault on Mission Ridge, November 25, 1863.

Second Minnesota Volunteer Infantry standing in front of the Long Barracks

Second Minnesota Volunteer Infantry standing in front of the Long Barracks

Second Minnesota Volunteer Infantry standing in front of the Long Barracks, Fort Snelling.


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