A resource for reliable information about significant people, places, events, and things in Minnesota history.
The first Chapel of St. Paul, c.1855.
Alexis J. Fournier painting "Chapel of St. Paul," 1888.
Carte-de-visite of Chapman's Hotel, c.1875.
Charlemagne Tower, ca. 1915.
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. ca. 1918, the year in which he ran for governor as the Nonpartisan League's nominee.
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr., ca. 1880.
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. Photograph by Anton M. Opsahl, ca. 1900.
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. (holding the flag, at right) at a Nonpartisan League meeting in Thief River Falls, 1918.
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. giving a speech in 1923. In that year, Lindbergh’s campaigned for the Farmer Labor Party's nomination for US senator. He placed third.
Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. speaking from a platform at a Nonpartisan League meeting in Cottonwood, ca. 1917.