“Birch and Wildflowers”

Gene Ritchie Monahan’s “Birch and Wildflowers,” 1970s. Pen and ink on paper. Produced for the Rainy Lake Chronicle. Used with the permission of Jean E. Monahan Kelly.

“Cage Rooms” at the Standard Hotel

“Cage Rooms” at the Standard Hotel

: “Cage Rooms” at the Standard Hotel (114 Hennepin Avenue South, Minneapolis), June 29, 1960. At the turn of the century, chicken-wire sub-ceilings were a common feature in cheaper boardinghouses in cities with a large temporary workforce. While Minneapolis banned the construction of new “cage hotels” in 1918, many lasted right up to the Gateway’s demolition. Some tenants who were evicted had been in their rooms since the 1920s.

“Casino Sunrise”

“Casino Sunrise”

“Casino Sunrise.” Etching on paper by Jim Denomie, 2009.

“Charles A. Lindbergh: The Boy and the Man”

“Charles A. Lindbergh: The Boy and the Man”

Paul Granlund’s statue “Charles A. Lindbergh—The Boy and the Man,” installed on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Gabriel Vanslette, April 21, 2011. CC BY 3.0

“Charles A. Lindbergh—The Boy and the Man”

“Charles A. Lindbergh—The Boy and the Man”

Paul Granlund’s statue “Charles A. Lindbergh—The Boy and the Man,” installed on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol. Photograph by Flickr user Cliff, June 6, 2008. CC BY 2.0

“Charles A. Lindbergh—The Boy and the Man”

“Charles A. Lindbergh—The Boy and the Man”

Paul Granlund’s statue “Charles A. Lindbergh: The Boy and the Man,” installed in Paris. Photograph by Melissa Peterson, May 21, 2017. Used with the permission of Melissa Peterson.

Headline and text of an article (“Crowd of 500 See Cop Get Worst of Struggle for Gun”) published in the Northwestern Bulletin, an African American newspaper based in St. Paul, on June 24, 1922. Public domain.

“Crowd of 500 See Cop Get Worst of Struggle for Gun”

Headline and text of an article (“Crowd of 500 See Cop Get Worst of Struggle for Gun”) published in the Northwestern Bulletin, an African American newspaper based in St. Paul, on June 24, 1922. Public domain.

“Crush on You” by the Jets

Excerpt from the song “Crush on You,” from the Jets’ self-titled 1985 album.

“Crush on You” single by the Jets

“Crush on You” single by the Jets

The cover of the Jets’ 1985 single “Crush On You.”

Black and white photograph of cars on the Dan Patch line, 1910.

“Dan Patch Line” car

Cars on the Dan Patch line, 1910.


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