Black and white photograph of the Visual Arts building at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, ca. 1970. Photographed by Alan Ominsky.

Visual Arts building at the College of St. Catherine

Visual Arts building at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, ca. 1970. Photographed by Alan Ominsky.

Black and white photograph of Vollbrecht Hardware Store in Hanover, ca. 1906.

Vollbrecht Hardware Store in Hanover

Vollbrecht Hardware Store in Hanover, ca. 1906.

Black and white photograph of volunteer Harold Blickenstaff, c.1944.

Volunteer Harold Blickenstaff

Volunteer Harold Blickenstaff, c.1944. Image is from the Minneapolis Newspaper Collection, Hennepin County Library Special Collections.

Black and white photograph of volunteer Jim Plaugher of Fresno, California, at an x-ray checkup, c.1944.

Volunteer Jim Plaugher of Fresno, California, at an x-ray checkup

Volunteer Jim Plaugher of Fresno, California, at an x-ray checkup, c.1944. Image is from the Minneapolis Newspaper Collection, Hennepin County Library Special Collections.

Volunteer teacher inside Huset School

A volunteer teacher inside Huset School, 1970s. Used with the permission of

Photograph of volunteers clearing debris from a street in St. Peter.


Volunteers clearing debris after the St. Peter Tornado.

Volunteers Answer "Bird" Call - Newspaper photograph of a man washing off a duck

Volunteers Answer "Bird" Call

Image from the Hastings Gazette Weekly, April 11, 1963, page 3. Digitized with permission from the Hastings Star Gazette.

Black and white photograph of two members of the Mount Sinai Women's Auxiliary posing in the Mount Sinai Hospital gift shop holding a sign advertising greeting cards, c.1954.

Volunteers at Mount Sinai Gift Shop

Two members of the Mount Sinai Women's Auxiliary posing in the Mount Sinai Hospital gift shop holding a sign advertising greeting cards, c.1954. The Mount Sinai Women's Auxiliary formed a year prior to the opening of Mount Sinai Hospital in 1950. The Auxiliary operated the snack shop and gift cart and provided volunteers offering care to participants and family members.

Black and white photograph of volunteers Gerald Wilsnack and Marshall Sutton, c.1945.

Volunteers Gerald Wilsnack and Marshall Sutton

Volunteers Gerald Wilsnack and Marshall Sutton, c.1945. Image is from the Minneapolis Newspaper Collection, Hennepin County Library Special Collections.

Black and white photograph of volunteers Gerald Wilsnack, Marshall Sutton, and Jasper Garner relax in the sun between their daily routine, c.1944.

Volunteers Gerald Wilsnack, Marshall Sutton, and Jasper Garner

Volunteers Gerald Wilsnack, Marshall Sutton, and Jasper Garner relax in the sun during their daily routine as participants in the Ansel Keys starvation experiment, c.1944. The image is from the Minneapolis Newspaper Collection, Hennepin County Library Special Collections.


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