Winona Public Library Accessible Entrance

Winona Public Library Accessible Entrance

The accessible entrance to the Winona Public Library, on Johnson Street. The entryway was added to the building in 1989, with a canopy added in 2017.
Photograph by Greg Gaut, 2019. Used with the permission of Greg Gaut.

Black and white photograph of Winslow Hotel and Seven Corners, 1861.

Winslow Hotel and Seven Corners, 1861

Winslow Hotel and Seven Corners, 1861.

Black and white photograph of Winslow Hotel, St. Anthony, c.1865.

Winslow Hotel, St. Anthony

Winslow Hotel, St. Anthony, c.1865. Visitors playing croquet. Until 1860, the Winslow Hotel was popular among vacationing Southerns who brought the enslaved people they owned with them. Eliza Winston came to the Winslow Hotel with her owner, Richard Christmas, and his family.

Photograph of the Winslow House

Winslow House

Winslow House, where an early version of Macalester College held classes for a short time (ca. 1870).

Winslow House Hotel

Winslow House Hotel

Winslow House Hotel, St. Anthony, ca. 1870.

Black and white photograph of Winslow House, St. Anthony, 1860.

Winslow House, St. Anthony

Winslow House, St. Anthony, 1860.

Black and white cabinet photograph of the Winter Carnival ice palace in St. Paul's Central Park. Taken in 1886 by Allen Swain.

Winter Carnival ice palace, Central Park, St. Paul

Cabinet photograph of the Winter Carnival ice palace in St. Paul's Central Park, 1886. Photograph by Allen Swain.

Winter in Cusson, St. Louis County, Minnesota, 1927.

Winter in Cusson

Winter in Cusson, St. Louis County, Minnesota, 1927.

Winter on the Devil Track of the Gunflint Trail. Photograph by Norton & Peel, March 20, 1955.

Winter on the Devil Track of the Gunflint Trail

Winter on the Devil Track of the Gunflint Trail. Photograph by Norton & Peel, March 20, 1955.

Black and white photograph of winter operations training at Camp Ripley, ca. 1980.

Winter operations training at Camp Ripley

Winter operations training at Camp Ripley, ca. 1980.


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