Ticket allowing admittance to the Minnesota State Fair, 1895.

State Fair ticket book

Book of three complimentary tickets permitting Roger Sherman Mackintosh and a female guest to attend the 1895 Minnesota State Fair, held between September 9th and 15th. The book originally contained six tickets; tickets 1, 2, 3 and 5 have been removed.

Photograph of Ramsey's funeral procession

State funeral of Alexander Ramsey

Carrying the casket of Governor Alexander Ramsey into the State Capitol building, 1903.

Black and white photograph of a State Grange booth at the Minnesota State Fair, c.1948.

State Grange booth at Minnesota State Fair

State Grange booth at the Minnesota State Fair, c.1948.

Black and white photograph of a State Grange meeting at Northfield. Taken by Edward Newell James, c.1875.

State Grange meeting at Northfield

State Grange meeting at Northfield, c.1875. Photograph by Edward Newell James.

Color drawing of the State Public School in Owatonna, c.1906.

State public school, Owatonna

The State Public School in Owatonna, c.1906.

State Reformatory for Women, Shakopee

State Reformatory for Women, Shakopee

Postcard with an aerial view of the grounds of the State Reformatory for Women, Shakopee, ca. 1945–1955.

State Reformatory for Women, Shakopee

State Reformatory for Women, Shakopee

State Reformatory for Women, Shakopee, ca. 1937.

State Representatives Keeler, Kozlowski, and Becker-Finn during House debate on MIFPA

State Representatives Keeler, Kozlowski, and Becker-Finn during House debate on MIFPA

Minnesota Representative Heather Keeler (DFL-Moorhead, standing at right) speaks about MIFPA on the floor of the Minnesota House on March 9, 2023. Representatives Alicia Kozlowski (DFL-Duluth, standing at center) and Jamie Becker-Finn (DFL-Roseville, standing at left) listen. Photo by Michelle Griffith/Minnesota Reformer. Used with the permission of Michelle Griffith.

State Sanatorium, Cass County

State Sanatorium, Cass County

Postcard showing the construction of an early sanatorium building, c.1910.

State seal of Minnesota, 1983–2013

State seal of Minnesota, 1983–2013

The state seal of Minnesota in use between 1983 and 2013.


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