Operating room, St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester

Operating room, St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester

An operating room at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, 1893. The Sisters of St. Francis at St. Mary's were known for their excellent nursing care.

Color image of participants in the Operation Free Flu Shot program gather for a group photograph at the Hmong New Year celebration in St. Paul’s RiverCentre on November 24, 2012.

Operation Free Flu Shot program (1 of 2)

Participants in the Operation Free Flu Shot program gather for a group photograph at the Hmong New Year celebration in St. Paul’s RiverCentre on November 24, 2012.

Color image of participants in the Operation Free Flu Shot program gather for a group photograph at Hmong Village in St. Paul on October 27, 2013.

Operation Free Flu Shot program (2 of 2)

Participants in the Operation Free Flu Shot program gather for a group photograph at Hmong Village in St. Paul on October 27, 2013.

Colorized postcard of the Orchestra Hall exterior, c.1975.

Orchestra Hall exterior

Orchestra Hall exterior, c.1975.

Black and white photograph of ore cars being loaded at the Hull-Rust mine at Hibbing, 1937.

Ore cars being loaded at the Hull-Rust mine at Hibbing

Ore cars being loaded at the Hull-Rust mine at Hibbing, 1937.

Black and white photograph of ore cars being unloaded at Dock 6 in Duluth, 1935.

Ore cars being unloaded at Dock 6 in Duluth

Ore cars being unloaded at Dock 6 in Duluth, 1935. The ore dropped to large chutes below where waiting Great Lakes freighters were loaded for their journey to steel mills.

Black and white photograph of the ore docks at Duluth, 1903.

Ore docks at Duluth

The ore docks at Duluth, 1903. These docks were originally begun by the Merritts, but the family was barely able to utilize them before losing their mining interests to John D. Rockefeller.

Ore trams in Pioneer “A” mine, Ely

Ore trams in Pioneer “A” mine, Ely

A man drives a chain of ore trams in the Pioneer “A” mine in Ely, ca. 1905–1910.

Screenshot of burying and mourning the dead in Oregon Trail 1.2 for Windows 5, 1995.

Oregon Trail 1.2 for Windows

Screenshot of burying and mourning the dead in Oregon Trail 1.2 for Windows 5, 1995.

Cover art for the Oregon Trail computer game, 1995.

Oregon Trail cover art

Cover art for the Oregon Trail computer game, 1995.


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