Mabeth Hurd Paige

Mabeth Hurd Paige

Mabeth Hurd Paige, ca. 1912.

Mabeth Hurd Paige

Mabeth Hurd Paige

Mabeth Hurd Paige, ca. 1915.

Mabeth Hurd Paige

Mabeth Hurd Paige

Mabeth Hurd Paige, ca. 1919. Photograph by Sweet.

Mabeth Hurd Paige

Mabeth Hurd Paige

Mabeth Hurd Paige, ca. 1920. Photograph by Eugene G. Garrett.

Mabeth Hurd Paige

Mabeth Hurd Paige

Mabeth Hurd Paige, ca. 1925.

Photograph of students playing "pushball," Macalester, 1924

Macalester "Pushball"

Students play pushball, an annual Macalester tradition (1924).

Macalester Bagpipe Band

The Macalester Bagpipe Band performs at Minneapolis department store Donaldson’s in 1953.

Macalester College Pipe Band

Macalester College Pipe Band

The Macalester College Pipe Band performing at the St. Andrew's Society of Minnesota Burns Night Supper, 1998.

Photograph of Macalester Dorm Room

Macalester Dorm Room

A student in her dorm room (undated)

Photograph of Macalester in 1886

Macalester in 1886

Macalester College eight years after its founding (ca. 1886).


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