Black and white photograph of James J. Hill Summit Avenue house under construction, 1890.

James J. Hill Summit Avenue house under construction

James J. Hill Summit Avenue house under construction, 1890.

Black and white photograph of James J. Hill walking down street with overcoat flapping, c.1915.

James J. Hill walking down street

James J. Hill walking down street with overcoat flapping, c.1915.

Black and white photograph of James J. Hill warehouse on St. Paul's Mississippi River levee, c.1869.

James J. Hill warehouse on St. Paul's Mississippi River levee

James J. Hill warehouse on St. Paul's Mississippi River levee, c.1869.

Black and white photograph of James J. Hill (left) with his son, Louis W. Hill, 1912.

James J. Hill with his son, Louis W. Hill

James J. Hill (left) with his son, Louis W. Hill, 1912.

James J. Hill with members of the Great Northern Railway Veterans’ Association

James J. Hill with members of the Great Northern Railway Veterans’ Association

James J. Hill, Mary T. Hill, James J. Hill II (Jerome), Cortland Hill, and members of the Great Northern Railway Veterans’ Association with seventy-five roses presented to Hill in Glacier Park, Montana, on May 29, 1913--his seventy-fifth birthday. William John McMillan Sr, president of the association, is at the left, holding his hat. From the Louis W. Hill papers, Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society.

James J. Hill's seventy-fifth-birthday dinner

James J. Hill's seventy-fifth-birthday dinner

James J. Hill's seventy-fifth-birthday, Glacier Park, Montana, 1913. The dinner was attended by members of the Great Northern Railway Veterans Association. From the Louis W. Hill papers, Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society. Photograph by Brown Photography Studio.

Black and white photoprint of James J. Hill, 1856.

James J. Hill, 1856

James J. Hill, 1856.

Black and white photograph of James J. Hill, 1864.

James J. Hill, 1864

James J. Hill, 1864.

Black and white photograph of James J. Hill, 1885. Photograph by Hayes Robbins.

James J. Hill, 1885

James J. Hill, 1885. Photograph by Hayes Robbins.

James K. Hilyard

James K. Hilyard

James K. Hilyard, co-owner of the Western Appeal, c.1886.


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