George Finstad and the Eva

George Finstad and the Eva

George Finstad (foreground) pulling the Eva (background) out of Rainy Lake, ca. 1930s. Used with the permission of Koochiching Historical Society.

George Finstad in the boat yard at Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop

George Finstad in the boat yard at Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop

George Finstad in the boat yard at Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop, ca. 1950. Finstad stands next to a single-cylinder engine hoist. "Cradles," visible in the background, were used for winter storage of cabin-cruiser boats. Used with the permission of Koochiching County Historical Society.

George H. Crosby home, Duluth.

George H. Crosby home, Duluth

George H. Crosby House, Duluth. Designed by I. Vernon Hill, 1902.

Black and white photograph of George Henry Hazzard, 1889.

George Henry Hazzard

George Henry Hazzard, 1889.

Black and white photograph of George L. Hoage, 1924.

George L. Hoage

George L. Hoage, 1924. Hoage was supply officer for the Sixteenth Battalion, Minnesota Home Guard.

George MacKinnon, ca. 1939. Photo by Greystone Studios Inc.

George MacKinnon

George MacKinnon, ca. 1939. Photo by Greystone Studios Inc.

Black and white photograph of George Morrison and Hazel Belvo, 1976.

George Morrison and Hazel Belvo

Morrison and Hazel Belvo, 1976. Photograph by Victor Bloomfield.

George Morrison wearing regalia

George Morrison wearing regalia, undated. From "Photographs: Childhood, family, Chippewa City, Grand Marais, professional, exhibits, 1905, 1920–1980s," in box 1 of the George Morrison papers, Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

George Morrison with Ada Reed

George Morrison with Ada Reed, his first wife, ca. 1950s. From "Photographs, undated, 1950s, 1970s-1990s," in box 7 of the George Morrison papers, 1854–2005 (bulk 1948-2000), Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.

George. Morrison

George Morrison with one of his paintings

George Morrison with one of his paintings, 1998. From "Family photographs, 1940s, 1980s, 1998" in box 3 the George Morrison papers, Manuscripts Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul.


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