This Day in Minnesota History

January 2, 1900

The St. Paul Dispatch runs a photograph of all the automobiles owned by city residents: two cars and two trucks.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 2, 1900

William Jennings Bryan, presidential candidate, orator, and future participant in the Scopes trial on teaching evolution in public schools, speaks in St. Peter.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 2, 1843

The St. Croix County Board of Commissioners licenses Henry Jackson to open a tavern "at St. Paul's" and also names him justice of the peace. Jackson Street runs from the site of his store.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 1, 1946

Author Tim O'Brien is born in Austin. His novel of the Vietnam War, Going After Cacciato, would win the National Book Award in 1979.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 1, 1929

The first celebration of Kolacky Day in Montgomery occurs. A kolacky is a Czechoslovakian pastry filled with fruit. At first the festival was only a day long, but in 1975 the celebration was scheduled for late July and extended into Kolacky Days, complete with music, dancing, art displays, and a parade.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 1, 1908

At the urging of Dr. Richard O. Beard, the Board of Regents for the University of Minnesota authorizes a nursing curriculum, the first college-associated school of nursing in the country. The school opens March 1, 1909, with Bertha Erdmann as director.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 1, 1847

Ard Godfrey arrives at St. Anthony Falls (Owamniyomni) to build his sawmill. His house, Minneapolis's first frame building, still stands at the corner of University and Central Avenues.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 30, 1924

Bandits rob the Exchange State Bank at Wykoff. The bandits enter the town in the middle of the night, cut all telephone and telegraph wires, and then blast open the bank's safe. Apparently frightened during the burglary, the thieves leave hurriedly, taking only $500 and leaving another $500 as well as some of their tools behind.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 30, 1892

The Oliver Iron Mining Company is organized to work the Iron Range. It would eventually own nearly all of the mines in the range.

This Day in Minnesota History

January 30, 1887

The South St. Paul livestock market opens, and 363 cattle are sold the first day.


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