This Day in Minnesota History

March 22, 1882

A guilty verdict is rendered in the impeachment trial of Judge Eugene St. Julien Cox, who had been accused of conducting a trial while drunk. His cause probably was not helped when ten bartenders testified to his ability to hold liquor. Cox was removed from office, but his allies in the Democratic Party later helped reverse the conviction.

This Day in Minnesota History

March 21, 1913

After a wild chase early this morning in the North Minneapolis rail yards, railroad employees and armed police detectives capture Harry Christianson, who is suspected of attempting to rob boxcars. For a time Christianson manages to evade his pursuers by rolling under and jumping over and through coupled cars moving around the yards, but he eventually becomes confused and runs directly into the arms of the detectives.

This Day in Minnesota History

March 21, 1864

George Edgar Vincent is born in Rockford, Illinois. A sociologist and a graduate of Yale University, he served from 1911 to 1917 as the third president of the University of Minnesota and an "academic house-cleaner." His reforms during his energetic term brought the institution into the modern era of education in Minnesota.

This Day in Minnesota History

March 20, 1992

During World War II, the surviving crew members of the US Army Air Corps bombing raid on Tokyo, led by Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy Doolittle, gather in Red Wing. They are joined by Chinese villagers who had rescued some of the airmen after they crash landed or parachuted into the nearby sea, or China, after the attack. Organized by a Red Wing-area resident who had led an expedition to China in 1990 to try to recover remains of raid bombers, the reunion also honors Doolittle, who is unable to attend.

This Day in Minnesota History

March 20, 1920

W. E. B. DuBois gives a lecture in St. Paul, sponsored by the local chapter of the NAACP.

This Day in Minnesota History

March 20, 1858

Kandiyohi County is established, at first comprising only the southern half of its present area. In 1870, the county absorbed its northern neighbor, Monongalia County. Kandiyohi, a Dakota name for some lakes in the county, means "where the buffalo fish come."

This Day in Minnesota History

March 19, 1992

Rebecca Rand, Minnesota's best-known brothel operator, pleads guilty in Ramsey County District Court to three prostitution-related felonies and agrees to turn her buildings over to authorities, as well as pay $200,000 to settle a civil-forfeiture suit. She observes, "I went through so many years without a pimp or anyone taking my money. . . Now the government decided to do that."

This Day in Minnesota History

March 19, 1880

A pedestrian bridge connecting Fort Snelling to St. Paul is completed.

This Day in Minnesota History

March 19, 1867

A treaty signed in Washington, D.C., establishes the White Earth Reservation for the Ojibwe, and the transfer of the Mississippi Ojibwe to the site begins June 14. The leader Bagone-giizhig (Hole-in-the-Day the Younger), wanting no "mixed bloods" on the reservation, tries to block their relocation.

This Day in Minnesota History

March 19, 1849

Aaron Goodrich is appointed chief justice of Minnesota Territory. (See entry for November 28.)


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